Beauty Starts on the Inside

Beauty Starts on the Inside

When you think of beauty, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? For many people the word “beauty” is defined by outer beauty. For me, the first thing that comes into my mind is inner beauty. You can be pretty, beautiful, handsome, or just plain good looking on the outside, but if you aren’t beautiful on the inside too, then your outer beauty does not matter. Your beauty starts on the inside.

How I Define Inner Beauty

I define inner beauty by someone’s personality. For me this starts with someone’s attitude. Are they a positive person? Are they kind? Do they care about others?


Who wants to be around a negative person? I don’t know about you, but I dislike being around negative people. It really brings my mood down when I am around someone that is negative all of the time. Several years ago I made the decision to be more positive myself and I am definitely happier since I made that decision. When you find yourself being negative turn it around into a positive. When you end up in a negative experience, because you will, what can you learn from the experience?


It is so important to be kind. When you are mean, it doesn’t matter how you look on the outside, nobody will want to be around a mean person. The smallest act of kindness can turn someone’s day around. I don’t know about you, but when I make someone else happy, it makes me happy. What is something kind you can do for someone else today?

Caring about Others

When you show that you care about others, it is an outward way of showing your inner beauty. I think the teacher in me and the fact that I am a caregiver is what makes me passionate about this one. Remember though that you also need to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. Fill your cup and then go help fill someone else’s cup.

About Amanda Davis

Mission Statement: My mission is to empower others to be their best selves both by serving customers to find products that make them feel beautiful inside and out and through mentoring other Avon Representatives both on and off my team to success in their own businesses.

A little more about me: I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia and still live locally. I have my Masters in Teaching for Early and Elementary Education and I am an early childhood educator. I have been teaching since 2012. I joined Avon in August 2011 in order to earn an income around going to college full time. When I first joined Avon, I had no idea what I was getting myself into and I had never heard of direct sales. My mother had actually been an Avon Representative briefly before I was born and she shared some about the company with me and said that I should go for it! I met with my mentor and she signed me up and the rest is history! Over the last several years, Avon has become a major passion of mine and I have enjoyed being able to share Avon and its products and missions with those around me. Throughout the years, I have been honored to receive several awards and recognition related to my Avon business. I do not have a family yet, but my hope is that when I decide to start one I can use Avon as a source of income in order to stay at home with my children when they are small like my mom stayed home with me and my brother until we both were in school.

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